Placenta encapsulation is one of the newest growing trends in the United States. It’s no longer something only the “crunchy mommas” are embracing. The many benefits are well known and chances are you know someone who attests that despite what some critics say she felt better and healed faster after consumption of her placenta. Because of this, many women like yourself, are seeking out placenta specialists and are choosing to have this service provided. But what few people are talking about is what questions should you be asking your specialist to verify that they in fact are well trained professionals.
Many people do not realize that the state of California has no credentialing or governing board for placenta specialists. Because of this there are many encapsulators with little to no training preparing placentas for human consumption. With so many encapsulators readily available how can you determine the specialists from the average joe?
It all starts with the consult. When you inquire about placenta encapsulation and choose someone how do they handle the transaction. I recommend finding an encapsulator who is willing to invest time into you. This time should include educating you with how to handle your placenta until it can be prepared. Remember, your placenta is an organ. You wouldn’t purchase steak from the grocery store that sat out on the truck all day and then was placed in the cereal aisle. If your specialist cannot instruct you with safe handling, chances are they are not handling it properly themselves or preparing it safely for your consumption.
Another important concern is knowing what their turn around policy is. Do you know how soon after your placenta is made available to your specialist that it will be fully prepared and ready for you? If your placenta is being picked up it’s vital that you know it is being processed and returned in a timely manner (remember the idea of it sitting out on the truck). Is there a dedicated workspace for processing and if not will they come to your home to provide this service? For your safety you have a right to know which conditions your placenta is in and the specialist’s sanitation procedures.
After you feel secure because your specialist has proven to be knowledgeable and sanitary, if they have not already offered you this information, check to verify their background. Ask where they have received formal training, ask for a current food handlers permit, and ask for their blood borne pathogens card. Confirm that they are deemed fit to prepare this amazing organ for you to ingest.
Your placenta comes from your body. In almost all cases there is no risk to you to consume it. However improper handling could make you and/ or your baby very ill. It is because of this we encourage you to seek out a trained professional for your service. Any specialist who is operating ethically will happily meet all of these requirements. It is my sincere hope that you have a happy postpartum with your placenta properly prepared.